Edition and recommended price: € 10.40 per Sperling Paperback
Comment: In collection there are three stories from which they were derived in the following years the three films of the same name. difficult to say what is the best story, but it certainly is by far one of the best collections of narratives King
The Shawshank Redemption tells the story of two men in prison are sincere friendship, and help each other to build a life outside of prison. Exceptional her life in the imprisonment he; some wonderful characters, including "the sisters" and the American Normaden, cellmate.
The student is the story of Todd thirteen and outside the school meets and meets an old veteran, whose name was Kurt. Having a past in the concentration camps and Nazi forces, he is living a false name, but discovered the boy (passionate researcher of war stories) agrees to be his master in exchange for his silence with the rest of the community. The problem is that Todd growing inside him feeding incorrect values, violent and racist. The finish is the epitome of madness, with the guy who goes out of his mind and becomes an absolute character and, as negative, great.
Stand by Me is the story of four guys that leave one day for the countryside in search of the body of one of their contemporaries found dead near the tracks. The trip includes a day's walk along the railroad tracks, and then the band builds a story on purpose to cover parents, who say they organized a trip, so you can stay away from home for a couple of days. History has a strange setting (inside there is another mini-narrative, creating one of the protagonists) and slows down or speeds up the time, but always rotate around their short journey.
Regardless of the plots, these stories are 250 pages of absolute gems. In particular, I quote Stan by me as my favorite: a story that really smells like country, aged 60, of summer and boys who build a world of adventure on me. Of those summers we spent a little all, or we would have lived. If there is a story that smells really what he says, stan by me. Almost yellow gold fields, and the tracks that St. rust you see them seriously.
In general, it is another spectacular work of the King, as it happens in stories built: c ow ever, when it comes to light a spark and not a campfire, King shows off his skills best suited, the description and accuracy. The result is that the candle shining hour as most could not do.
Overall Rating: 8.5
forgot: at the end of the novel is a story short: the breathing method . Nothing bad but nothing particularly good, just a little jars with the rest and is particularly short, just a flash. Unimportant, however.
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