Recommended version: the only one I know is Rizzoli. Price € 20.50, I believe (I checked online)
Comment: As I see it, reading this book should be all set now people between 14 and 65. On some points I found it enlightening, especially where connections details and stresses that, despite being under the eyes of all were lost.
The big problem, which meant that we put a huge amount of time to finish reading the book, is perhaps the fact that slams raw facts before the reader, where before there were only suspicions in some places had to close the book because it made me angry.
said that, in his essay, Klein continues the work begun with No Logo, but it changes the shot of his pen, points against the ties between the companies of "disaster capitalism" and Western governments, including (in particular the U.S.) and dictatorships of the last few decades, showing how everything has flowed from the brainchild of a few men, but said that the large accumulation of capital that wanted it, and so that some could not believe the star being ripped off. Percu it turns out that the destruction is called reconstruction, a chance to become a hurricane, a tsunami is a gift from god.
Despite all this, Klein can not exempt themselves from a final optimistic, noting that cases in the midst of all this confusion they managed to recover and to propose solutions that were not only balanced rhetorical toys.
We hope you're right ...
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