Plot: "The brothers of the coast" is a trilogy that starts with this volume tells the story of Thomas Marlowe, a gentleman pirate who returns to ply the seas leaving their plantations on the mainland. We are in fact the beginning of 1700, in wartime Europe, and tobacco in Virginia is beginning to be little and the nation is on the verge of financial collapse. Marlowe decided that sailing, battles and looting of the great Mogul of India are the only way to survive and combat this situation.
Comment: Bravissimo James Nelson. In the sense that emerges from the narrative his passion for the seas for pirates and shipping services, there are also technical aspects and subtleties related to the life of pirates. This does not mean, however, that is the pleasure and the adventure genre, partly because not much different from the stereotype and the classic story of these environments: a hero-villain, the good, the battles, boarding (told in a masterly way , again), some aspects of the '700.
Bello everything, but leaves little to the imagination or twist. Too bad.
Overall Rating: 6 +
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