Black House
Specifications: sequel to "The Talisman" , was released in 2001 and is one volume a little longer than its predecessor, about 700 pages. Edition recommended and cost: Sperling Paperback, € 10.40 (but only after taking "The Talisman"). Comment: The novel is the sequel to the Talisman, and tells the story of Jack Sawyer, now an adult, that at a time off work (last hour the detective) arrives in the town of French Landing (Wisconsin) . In this country there is a being, a monster strange, called "the fisherman" Luring kids and makes them disappear, Restitude (sometimes) broken. Who is it? It 's really a monster? It 'a serial killer? Or are they just inventions of the locals? Case wants the detective Jack Sawyer is now put to investigate the matter, using an old black and dark as "dimensional portal", as support, to return to the "Territories", that the parallel world that a child has used many times to save his mother and the search for the talisman (though now, Jack recalls little of his childhood). I believe we are on the same wavelength in the previous chapter, even if after 20 years Peter Straub and Stephen King are trying to "close the circle" of Jack's life, and creating this pseudomostro this dark house that gives birth to evil. told Ben, good characters (the motorcyclist who really like Alan to say!), And an old man at the nursing home that really scares the reader very well characterized. Closing this phantom circle, the landscape is in my opinion a little better than the word of the Talisman, but still maybe a book too long, with too many descriptions, too many characters and too many paragraphs or chapters that could be avoided. After a while the reader is likely to go astray if the story did not take so particular. Solito "defect" of King, although it remains a good novel. Overall Rating: 6.5
The Talisman
Specifications: Volume -written by King and Peter Straub . Dated 1983 is a novel and decidedly longish thick (over 650 pages). Edition recommended and cost: Sperling Paperback, € 10.40. Comment: The story is complex and simple at the same time tells of a young boy, Jack Sawyer, who somehow decide to save the life of the mother suffering from cancer. The only solution is to find "the talisman, an amulet that will undo the incredible disease. Her research starts with a few directions, given by a friend (a guy of color who runs a carousel in an amusement park). Jack wanders around the United States, without a particular destination, but has the ability, when he wants and when he decides to focus and "move in a parallel world," the Territories. These are in all respects similar to the real world (in fact taking is like running the world), but proportionally smaller, in an unspecified ancient times and far more dangerous. Jack uses this "trick" to shorten their own way, and passes from one world to another with ease, in this second world meets Wolf, a boy who accidentally ends up in the "real" world with him, during a jump time and space. Wolf is a werewolf (but from?!?) That will help him in his research and his personal battle Conteo the partner of his father, a man who will put a spoke in the wheels in both worlds (preventing research and salvation of the mother), until the conclusion and the finding of the talisman. The sense of this story, as written with great precision and punctuality, I somewhat obscure. In the sense that Jack is certainly a positive character, as well as Wolf. And is designed very well managing the parallel worlds (which works fine in the economy of the story). But the story is long, sometimes faragginoso and sluggish (among other things, one of the few defects when King headed toward a topic or a stretch of fiction). The question of the talisman (the meaning of the story) I was not convinced, and the ending is as dreamy and glitter, I was not impressed. Other notes: the story was made into a film (converted) and a second volume ( Black House), always written by King, about the life as an adult, Jack Sawyer. Overall Rating: 5
I Am Legend
Technical data: Matheson's novel of 1954, classified as a horror-dystopia. 200 pages.
Trailer: Robert is the last man on earth. She spends several hours a day to restore the fortifications in his small house, to keep the supplies of food provided. At sunset, the barricades, because the monsters come after dark. On alternate days, Robert goes hunting. By day and semincoscienti are weak, and when Stan, and very easy to kill. But others will replace the killed. And every night they come back.
Comment: The idea I like very much. Robert wanders through a deserted city and its disposal: a supermarket, a library .. But if it is master of this world day, must spend their nights under siege. 'Come out', the screaming. This alternation of roles (hunter / prey), which gives rhythm to a life guided only by instinct of survival, is perhaps the strength of the novel. Beyond good idea, the management itself is bad imho. A quarter of the book is spent telling the domestication of a dog. Evabbè. It then expires Hollywood horror 90s (not bad for a book of '54, but with zero originality for a reader today): the enemies are vampires, Robert isolates the 'germ of vampirism' (lol!) ..
Movies: In January will be released in the FILM 'loosely based'. Saw the trailer, I underline in red the 'free'. Unfortunately I fear it will come out a zuppone the 28-day-after-resident + evil + other b-horror movies. With cars that explode.
Rating: 6.5
The Pirate
Technical and author: of 360 pages, is a novel by James Nelson, an expert and lover of ships and shipping, "The pirate (2002) is his first work in the genre. (The cost of the book, around 8 euro, abbordabilissimo) Plot: "The brothers of the coast" is a trilogy that starts with this volume tells the story of Thomas Marlowe, a gentleman pirate who returns to ply the seas leaving their plantations on the mainland. We are in fact the beginning of 1700, in wartime Europe, and tobacco in Virginia is beginning to be little and the nation is on the verge of financial collapse. Marlowe decided that sailing, battles and looting of the great Mogul of India are the only way to survive and combat this situation. Comment: Bravissimo James Nelson. In the sense that emerges from the narrative his passion for the seas for pirates and shipping services, there are also technical aspects and subtleties related to the life of pirates. This does not mean, however, that is the pleasure and the adventure genre, partly because not much different from the stereotype and the classic story of these environments: a hero-villain, the good, the battles, boarding (told in a masterly way , again), some aspects of the '700. Bello everything, but leaves little to the imagination or twist. Too bad. Overall Rating: 6 +
Specifications: novel by Bret Easton Ellis, published in 1998. 720 pages.
Plot: Victor Ward is the narrator, is a model semifamoso extremely superficial and a bit 'slow. His world is the universe of glossy hip parties, poses for photographers, clothes. At one point, without notice, Victor is (perhaps) involved in a project of international terrorism, and social events is interspersed with crudissime and sadistically detailed scenes of torture and massacre. The quality of the narration is excellent and the plot handled superbly. The finish is open.
Comment: many elements to consider, and take into account that my relationship is a 'hot'. So. For 250 pages about the author spippetta with the stereotype of the kind trendy, beautiful and empty. So the first third of the book presents only scenes like this: 'I'm going to party with x y, I start posing with wez for the next cover of p, q greeting that invites me to a party on Thursday night for villa r , s hands me a rod while you enter the room u '.. pallosissimo, in my opinion. Then, the novel turns without notice: starting with scenes of violence more and more raw, but the author's genius is to instil doubt in the reader: I'm 'seeing' truth or fiction? In fact, Victor suddenly begins to interact with a crew, a director, a director of photography. Here, then, that during a fight between characters, the director asks to repeat a joke or an entire scene to take it from another angle. Or, describing an explosion, it is called 'stunts that are thrown from the windows' and 'dummies of dead bodies'. But the clues are misleading: In another scene, here is raining 'amputated limbs, most of which are true'. The hold on me, in this part (which lasts until the end of the novel), was very strong, is a game between Ellis and the reader, an ongoing challenge. And make room descriptions, at an increasing rate, a bitter cold and confetti flies and the smell of shit. In one case, popcorn. Why? Ellis does not say. So # 2: Part one to forget, imho. Second part really well-told, a pace that leaves no way out, surprising plot, 500 pages read thinking 'but what's the fucking pig story morning glory, well?'. The theme of the dualism between reality and fiction and their mutual correlation is carrying on this balance and move Victor, the models, the crew .. the other crew. The fact that the ending is not obvious from almost nothing (or at least not in a clear way) made me angry enough, they are all good clues to spread and then not bother to channel them into something sensible.
Moral: A book from which you might be reading a very good discussion. The council, however, invite potential readers to take account of this unique structure.
Rating: 6 the first part, 8.5 in the second, 2 in the final. Inexplicably, the overall grade is 7 / 8.
Shock Economy
Technical : essay of 2007, 621 pages (including appendices and extensive bibliography, because we are dealing with a reporter, here)
Recommended version: the only one I know is Rizzoli. Price € 20.50, I believe (I checked online)
Comment: As I see it, reading this book should be all set now people between 14 and 65. On some points I found it enlightening, especially where connections details and stresses that, despite being under the eyes of all were lost.
The big problem, which meant that we put a huge amount of time to finish reading the book, is perhaps the fact that slams raw facts before the reader, where before there were only suspicions in some places had to close the book because it made me angry.
said that, in his essay, Klein continues the work begun with No Logo, but it changes the shot of his pen, points against the ties between the companies of "disaster capitalism" and Western governments, including (in particular the U.S.) and dictatorships of the last few decades, showing how everything has flowed from the brainchild of a few men, but said that the large accumulation of capital that wanted it, and so that some could not believe the star being ripped off. Percu it turns out that the destruction is called reconstruction, a chance to become a hurricane, a tsunami is a gift from god.
Despite all this, Klein can not exempt themselves from a final optimistic, noting that cases in the midst of all this confusion they managed to recover and to propose solutions that were not only balanced rhetorical toys.
We hope you're right ...
Four Past Midnight
Technical Data: Collection of four short stories of 1990. The total is about 800 pages, so it's best to find a separate edition with stories, for convenience. Edition recommended and cost : Sperling Paperback, as usual. Price € 8.40. In the picture the volume with the first two stories. Comment: Each of the four stories is different story, moments of flash captured by the King and turned into a short story - The Langoliers : nightmare later transformed into a TV series (without large actually happened). Some passengers of a plane landing in discovering Somehow the plane passed through the space-time and are finding themselves in a parallel world equal to them. But no other living thing ... if not the Langoliers, monsters with shark teeth that are eaten whole. Including the world they are, munching on the walls, grass, metal. - Secret Window, Secret Garden : Since this story was adapted Secret Window, starring Johnny Depp movie of 2004. It tells the story of a writer haunted by a man who accuses him of stealing a story and claiming damages, or threatens to retaliate. - The cop bibli Otec: a nightmare as a kid. what could the police officer who oversees the library in case you forget to return a book or lose? - The fotocane : a boy gets a Polaroid camera as a gift, but soon discovers that the photos do not depict reality as it was at the time of the click, but .... a slightly different reality. These are short plots. Regardless of the subject, however, the important thing is to understand that in this case, as in others, King SHORT nightmares, short stories derived from his impromptu flash. In two cases, in my view, came out of good stories (especially Langoliers Secret Window, Secret Garden : to read it completely); in the other 2 ( The officer of the library and The fotocane ) I sipped two mini crap. If possible, read the first two taking the edition shown in the image. Overall, though, a good mini collection, given that the first two stories are even more length. Overall Rating: 6.5
The Dead Zone Seasons Various
Specifications: Volume of 1979 (thus one of the early work of King), approx 430 pages. It 's a single novel on which it was then the film version of the same name. Edition recommended and cost : Sperling Paperback (see photo at right), at a price of € 10.40. It 's the cheapest version.
Comment: The story of a teacher, following a car accident, falls into a coma, and wakes up only five years later. Obviously the world has now changed, and the life he had before ... now no more.
But the biggest change is in his brain has now acquired an almost magical ability, or to understand the reality to come, the future of the people and pieces of what would happen if. And that just touching people.
Not everything, however. A part of the "future" is almost always the dark, something is clouded in a half of his brain that is always ... "in shadow", including what should be done to prevent the occurrence of things. Moreover, despite using his "skills" to help someone (a girl, a sheriff in his head ...), creeping doubts and existential problems and be notified of this also to hate his pseudo-gift.
happens, then, that is to face a tragic vision of the future, caused by the possible election of a new U.S. president. What to do? Avoid it? Intervene? How?
The finish is a mix of tragic and heroic, which saves a bit of a long and slow in reading the book, but nice. Belle the parties related to personal reflections and return "to life", which recreates the links with friends, family and former girlfriend. Maybe a bit too long, but it is a typical choice of descriptive narrative-King, and this is just a personal criticism. The book is still recommended.
Overall Rating: 6 / 7
Specifications: It 's a collection of three short stories published for the first time by King in 1982, for a length of about 600 pages in total. Edition and recommended price: € 10.40 per Sperling Paperback Comment: In collection there are three stories from which they were derived in the following years the three films of the same name. difficult to say what is the best story, but it certainly is by far one of the best collections of narratives King The Shawshank Redemption tells the story of two men in prison are sincere friendship, and help each other to build a life outside of prison. Exceptional her life in the imprisonment he; some wonderful characters, including "the sisters" and the American Normaden, cellmate. The student is the story of Todd thirteen and outside the school meets and meets an old veteran, whose name was Kurt. Having a past in the concentration camps and Nazi forces, he is living a false name, but discovered the boy (passionate researcher of war stories) agrees to be his master in exchange for his silence with the rest of the community. The problem is that Todd growing inside him feeding incorrect values, violent and racist. The finish is the epitome of madness, with the guy who goes out of his mind and becomes an absolute character and, as negative, great. Stand by Me is the story of four guys that leave one day for the countryside in search of the body of one of their contemporaries found dead near the tracks. The trip includes a day's walk along the railroad tracks, and then the band builds a story on purpose to cover parents, who say they organized a trip, so you can stay away from home for a couple of days. History has a strange setting (inside there is another mini-narrative, creating one of the protagonists) and slows down or speeds up the time, but always rotate around their short journey. Regardless of the plots, these stories are 250 pages of absolute gems. In particular, I quote Stan by me as my favorite: a story that really smells like country, aged 60, of summer and boys who build a world of adventure on me. Of those summers we spent a little all, or we would have lived. If there is a story that smells really what he says, stan by me. Almost yellow gold fields, and the tracks that St. rust you see them seriously. In general, it is another spectacular work of the King, as it happens in stories built: c ow ever, when it comes to light a spark and not a campfire, King shows off his skills best suited, the description and accuracy. The result is that the candle shining hour as most could not do. Overall Rating: 8.5 PS. forgot: at the end of the novel is a story short: the breathing method . Nothing bad but nothing particularly good, just a little jars with the rest and is particularly short, just a flash. Unimportant, however.
A dirty job
Technical Data: by the far-to-me (and-you, imho)-unknown C. Moore, was awarded a Quill Award. Reached the 9th place in the NY Times Bestseller List.
Plot: 'dirty work' is a horror-comic-book nonsense. Charlie Asher, a junk-beta male and Kafka, he loses his wife after they gave him a daughter. The shock led him to acquire supernatural powers, becoming a Merchant of Death: his new job is to collect and manage the vessels of the transmigration of souls. Of course there are the bad guys: the Sewer Harpies and Death from the bull's head, against which (just as obviously) Charlie will fight the final battle. Countless co-stars: Lily aide dark-nymphomaniac, the other Ray-aide webdipendente and psychopath, Jane's sister-davidBowie, the dogs of hell, Mr. Fresh Mint, the squirrels in a tutu, etc. ..
Comment: Needless to say, component largely overcomes the issues horror comic. The whole novel is replete with nonsense dialogues (the comablog, for instance), and the plot is a succession of absurdities generated dall'inettitudine zeniana dall'extravaganza Charlie and all the other characters. This represents a shift from sexual jokes about Teletubbies dogs that hellish belch bubbles, until the daughter of the protagonist in a few months of life, running for home chanting 'no anal intercourse', while the neighbor comes to Russia Bears and Chinese meditation to fry the creatures that rise from manholes.
A novel, short, with no pretense other than to amuse and entertain. 450 pages about going away smooth smooth. It is up to the tastes and sensibilities of the reader or not appreciate the style and the gags, personally I liked it very much.
Overall Rating: 8.5
Specifications: novel of 2005, the British writer Sophia McDougall (considered one of the most promising young writers in the world scene). Of about 500 pages, this novel is both science fiction of political fiction. Edition recommended and cost: for now I know just the home edition of Newton & Compton, at cost (not excessive truth) of € 10.00. Comment: first novel is well pointed out that the fall in world of ' ucronico therefore should be analyzed accordingly: the world of ancient Rome has survived to this day, with the' Roman Empire billion and politically dominating the world (except for some free areas). We are in 2757 after the founding of Rome, and therefore in our present society, dominated by the Emperor Titus Novio Fausto. The story revolves between plots of power and murder: the legitimate emperor (Mark Novio) must flee to avoid being eliminated by his enemies (including Tito) who want the throne after the death of his parents. Mark flees through the streets of the Empire will know where an underground world composed of rebels, people fled to the crucifixion, thieves, outcasts, poor e. .. also two boys with strange powers, which will accompany him in his quest to recover the rightful place. Definitely I really liked the idea initially, because it is not easy to twist the Roman world (with its laws and its terrible crucifixion) to today's society, but I must say that what came out is a good novel that could very well not be stuck nell'ucronico. Let me explain: if the writer had told this to rise to power in today's society, the result would have been much different. My impression is that you tried to mix water and oil, but the boundaries are well defined, and stand out too much in the description. Every now and then is stuck a crucified man, or some term Roman / Latin, or praetorian senators and as the rain, but the dough is very smooth. Oltrettutto (do not know if it is my impression, or a translation error, or a literary choice ...), reading dragging with fatigue, heavy, with some chapters quite cumbersome, not pleasant for a novel. Too bad, because I liked the idea a lot. Overall Rating: 5
Christine: the infernal machine
Specifications: comes out in 1983, and is a novel long enough, about 630 pages. In the same year, leaving the film version, obviously the same name. Edition recommended and cost: Sperling paperback; cost approximately € 10.40. Comment: The novel tells the story of a boy (Arnie) and his car, a Plymouth of 1958, known as Christine. The car was bought by the young, with their savings, a old man named Roland. Arnie is what can be described as the "nerds" who spent most of his time fixing this old carcass, to put it back to its former glory, leaving for other reasons unrelated to their peers (except those with his dear friend Dennis). Meanwhile, with the improvement of Christine, also improve those psycho-physical guy, so that exits with one of the most beautiful girls in the school. But at the same time it also changes its character: it becomes more and more cynical and introverted and relationships with some of the neighborhood bully gets worse and worse. Until the quiet town must cope with some mysterious deaths, and some incidents which, coincidentally, they all seem to bring Arnie (which still provides sufficient excuse) because the dead are the very people that have put the sticks between the wheels or other elements with which it has had recent discussions (see the bullies of the neighborhood). Besides the girl relationships are not the most idyllic: it even seems that the machine is directed against, perhaps jealous of his relationship with Arnie. And here the investigations of his friend Dennis passed on the machine and its former master, bringing to light aspects of concern, thinking and talking about a car with their feelings, cynical and murderous. Leaving out the ending, which I leave to the readers, I think it's definitely a nice book and well written. Interesting choice to write the first and the third part of the book in first person (point of view of his friend Dennis, never Arnie) and second in the third person omniscient. This time the nightmare is a killing machine, thinking and feelings, but as in the case of a little Cujo the fact that the villain is clear and obvious from the outset, been a while that is a bad hard to ... as a result we characterize a novel is not exceptional, although the idea of \u200b\u200ba machine that determines its master is good and well described. not an absolute masterpiece, to be honest. Overall Rating: 6 +