CasaPound A year ago he had raised the issue of water management with flagrant display of signs on city \u200b\u200bfountains. In the last election campaign, the same association had asked the mayor candidates to take a clear position and clear on the issue.
The latest initiative is the recent establishment of the Committee "Public Water Picena" which proposes concrete actions to safeguard the properties of water. "By many citizens have asked us not to let go - explained Giorgio Ferretti, responsible citizen of Italy CasaPound - we want to give voice to all the Ascolani worried about the fate of the water."
"after many meetings, we decided to create with them that this committee will be active right away. On Saturday afternoon we will be in Piazza Arringo for collect signatures. Our first objective is to amend the City Charter, which currently does not address the issue of water. "
" our proposal - Ferretti continues - is to put in the statute the right to water, indicating that the service distribution is public and non-profit. "
The Committee will have as logos the keep, a symbol of Ascoli Piceno, in a drop of blue water. It 'was already activated an official blog ( www.acquapicenapubblica . tk) which will be periodically updated and an e-mail for any type of communication ( ).
The committee is open to any kind of cooperation and anyone with the desire to work hard to keep water in public ownership.
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