Monday, May 4, 2009

Makati For Rent Dresses

EARTHQUAKE: Montes VISIT Picenze POGGIO, bring out my show

FIELD TO HOST THE COMEDY Casapound met the Mayor and Alderman MASCI

L'Aquila, 2 May - (Adnkronos) -''Here at Poggio Picenze came to visit friends.'' The speaker is ADNKRONOS Enrico Montesano, who today met the Mayor and the Councillor for Public Works of the village in the Province of L'Aquila, Nicola and Mario Menna Masci, to finalize the last details for an initiative that already thought for some time: to bring to his last recital Poggio Picenze 'Epic and turf'.

''Rather than raise money with a show to do in Rome - said Montesano, who is visiting the Poggio Picenze field Casapound - I prefer to meet you here to do for them, as I did for friends, for the relatives. I have asked my engineers to work one day free in 15-20 days and I'm sure we can arrange everything.''

Aquila''We wanted to do - yet said Montesano - But then we thought about the surrounding villages, which are not always remembered, and we thought it was better to do it here in the Rose Square. I'm sure many will be in all small towns in the area, from San Demetrio a Barisciano ... At the end will be 2 thousand. As the show, we stage a recital already led to the Grand Theatre, 'Epic and turf'. Then after the earthquake there is also good ... It 'an invitation to all, more' ethical and less turf.''


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