Edition and recommended price: € 8.90 's edition of Tea book, although there is from 4.90 Best sellers of travel.
Plot: than the true story of Bravo Two Zero patrol in this chapter literary Mc Nab the plot deviates entirely on the personal life of this soldier, from his youth (16 year old when he enlisted in the green jackets and then arrive in SAS .) training, to personal experiences that have marked it. Perhaps more "technical" than the previous, and less novel, but certainly very effective as a whole.
Comment: may seem at first view, that this volume of Mc Nab is the autobiography of a fanatical soldier, who rattles off technical data in 400 pages on how to assemble an AK-47 and fills us with the boring head of military techniques and who knows what else. Instead, the reading you will discover a real character (already evident in patrol Bravo Two Zero), a man continues to self-discovery, compared with death, life, training, lived with some segments of "bad luck" , as if under that uniform is not a soldier or a killing machine, but simply a man who makes this very normal military career the only way to escape from a bitter reality and makes the school of life, good and bad. Fantastic
Part of the training, a mixture of cynicism, to continue with their classmates, bigotry (of others), techniques (few actually) and black humor (real bearing characteristics of this soldier-writer-character).
I recommend especially to those who have qualms about these big issues (me first): helps to dispel some castles and to defuse and remove topics that have been built there in the years ahead (Tom Clancy), including new stuff in the world meanders there is still unknown, with a verve all its own.
know a black world in which we learn to survive in spite of yourself, live in it, to understand all the facets, and take the piss. This is Andy.
Overall Rating: 8.5
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