Plot in a nutshell: The story of Turin son of Hurin, who fights his personal challenge to Morgoth (the Dark Lord that dominates the Middle-earth). The focus of the story is the personal story of Turin and troubles, torn between his problems (enter into an outlaw band) and those of Middle-earth (who needs the help of a strong hero), Glaurung it makes its appearance in the scene: this dragon, sent by Morgoth, destroys everything and everyone and should be discarded.
Fate will want the fight in Turin alone, facing the enemy that your destiny.
Comment: difficult to give an opinion without connecting to the rest of the landscape Tolkien: missing link between Silmarillon, Lost Tales, Book of Lost Tales, The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings is a book that throws some sparks pearl and a few here and there. Alone is a story a little anonymous in the sense that in the plethora of names, places and eras, and very little if not included in the global landscape.
edition (The only) that came out, there are also histories, family trees (the most beautiful and interesting for the fans), and author notes.
Ultimately, only for fans, only to faithful readers. It is a story ... let's say, lonely, how can it be "The Hobbit".
Peronalmente I found the "narrative" as usual, typical of smooth and colorful world of Tolkien, but in some places (as, indeed, names, lists of characters and various offspring) a bit cumbersome and slow.
Overall Rating: alone is a volume of 5, in the context right is 7.5.
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