Plot: The story of nazizta a spy known as the needle. Maybe in the arms of Reich, this man of forty is the most decisive for the balance of the war and the fate of the German Empire. And 'he, in fact, that he discovered the trick organized by the Americans, who want to pretend not to land in Normandy, but rather in another area of \u200b\u200bFrance, and is therefore required to inform the Fuhrer-proof through photos he took. From this point begins the hunt for the spy by the British and Americans, to be able to intercept and bring to fruition the trick of misdirection.
Comment: is one smooth, well-written, and with historical references to the right point: the "scaffold" is so well done and believable, while the figure of the Nazi spy takes page after page to look like the bad hard. Ruthless, precise, cruel and very capable. What if it was not a Nazi almost tempted to root for him, as can be scorched earth between himself and the whole British nation that pursues him.
A new, not least, the light must, of course, a fall sooner or later, and we must therefore find a literary device so that the story takes a different direction. Until that point, the needle was a careful man, smart and infallible; make a silly face colossal to drop photos into enemy hands, I found a stretch. You could find a more credible and less hasty to say, "but then the pilot commits naive, and so on." Obviously I'm not here to explain what happened, not to spoil the reading.
In any case, the final is very exciting and takes almost the fold of a thriller. remains therefore a compelling story and very well written and flows easily from page to page. Have to like the genre, of course, although over espionage here is part of the story, the war and the life of a man constantly alone to struggle between secret identity, murder, conspiracy, survival. It's a war, that were it not for the help of special people, he might have taken another turn ...
Overall Rating: 7 / 8