A dirty job
Technical Data: by the far-to-me (and-you, imho)-unknown C. Moore, was awarded a Quill Award. Reached the 9th place in the NY Times Bestseller List.
Plot: 'dirty work' is a horror-comic-book nonsense. Charlie Asher, a junk-beta male and Kafka, he loses his wife after they gave him a daughter. The shock led him to acquire supernatural powers, becoming a Merchant of Death: his new job is to collect and manage the vessels of the transmigration of souls. Of course there are the bad guys: the Sewer Harpies and Death from the bull's head, against which (just as obviously) Charlie will fight the final battle. Countless co-stars: Lily aide dark-nymphomaniac, the other Ray-aide webdipendente and psychopath, Jane's sister-davidBowie, the dogs of hell, Mr. Fresh Mint, the squirrels in a tutu, etc. ..
Comment: Needless to say, component largely overcomes the issues horror comic. The whole novel is replete with nonsense dialogues (the comablog, for instance), and the plot is a succession of absurdities generated dall'inettitudine zeniana dall'extravaganza Charlie and all the other characters. This represents a shift from sexual jokes about Teletubbies dogs that hellish belch bubbles, until the daughter of the protagonist in a few months of life, running for home chanting 'no anal intercourse', while the neighbor comes to Russia Bears and Chinese meditation to fry the creatures that rise from manholes.
A novel, short, with no pretense other than to amuse and entertain. 450 pages about going away smooth smooth. It is up to the tastes and sensibilities of the reader or not appreciate the style and the gags, personally I liked it very much.
Overall Rating: 8.5
Specifications: novel of 2005, the British writer Sophia McDougall (considered one of the most promising young writers in the world scene). Of about 500 pages, this novel is both science fiction of political fiction. Edition recommended and cost: for now I know just the home edition of Newton & Compton, at cost (not excessive truth) of € 10.00. Comment: first novel is well pointed out that the fall in world of ' ucronico therefore should be analyzed accordingly: the world of ancient Rome has survived to this day, with the' Roman Empire billion and politically dominating the world (except for some free areas). We are in 2757 after the founding of Rome, and therefore in our present society, dominated by the Emperor Titus Novio Fausto. The story revolves between plots of power and murder: the legitimate emperor (Mark Novio) must flee to avoid being eliminated by his enemies (including Tito) who want the throne after the death of his parents. Mark flees through the streets of the Empire will know where an underground world composed of rebels, people fled to the crucifixion, thieves, outcasts, poor e. .. also two boys with strange powers, which will accompany him in his quest to recover the rightful place. Definitely I really liked the idea initially, because it is not easy to twist the Roman world (with its laws and its terrible crucifixion) to today's society, but I must say that what came out is a good novel that could very well not be stuck nell'ucronico. Let me explain: if the writer had told this to rise to power in today's society, the result would have been much different. My impression is that you tried to mix water and oil, but the boundaries are well defined, and stand out too much in the description. Every now and then is stuck a crucified man, or some term Roman / Latin, or praetorian senators and as the rain, but the dough is very smooth. Oltrettutto (do not know if it is my impression, or a translation error, or a literary choice ...), reading dragging with fatigue, heavy, with some chapters quite cumbersome, not pleasant for a novel. Too bad, because I liked the idea a lot. Overall Rating: 5